Alan is an experienced public speaker and is available for presentations, readings, and discussion on any of the themes explored in Confronting the Racist Legacy in the American Child Welfare System: The Case for Abolition. Alan is also nationally recognized as an expert in the modern abolitionist movement, as well as the role of social workers in the abolitionist movement.
Book Lecture, “Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System.” UCLA Department of Social Welfare and UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy.
"An Evening with Professor Alan Dettlaff: Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System." Duke University School of Law.
Virtual Book Launch with JMAC For Families, "Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System: The Case for Abolition."
Featured Speaker, “Until We Are Free: Racism, Child Welfare, and the Enduring Promise of Abolition.” University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice.
Mary Funnyé Goldson Lecture, “Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System: The Case for Abolition.” Columbia University School of Social Work.
Keynote Address, “Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System.” Cradle-to-Prison Pipeline Conference, Northeastern University School of Law.